The advantages of 3D Printing are many for jigs and fixtures: high flexibility, durability, and adaptability to various shapes and applications.
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 07/24/2024
Lubrizol TPU brings a new polymer solution to 3DP thanks to its unique flexibility and other benefits for consumer goods.
ESTANE® 3D M95A TPU can maintain flexibility and performance even at low temperatures, enabling the material to be used across diverse applications.
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 10/15/2021
Lubrizol recently expanded expertise and capabilities with the addition of Avid Product Development, combinIng truly differentiated solutions that accelerate the growth of industries adopting and using 3D printing.
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 08/18/2021
Design engineers use lattice structures to create innovative products with a strong performance. Lubrizol 3D Printing Solutions help to create complex parts with intricate geometries.
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 06/14/2021
Lubrizol 3D printing or additive manufacturing (AM) technology takes bridge tooling to the next level with flexible design iteration and short-run production.
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 05/19/2021
We put ESTANE® 3D TPU M95A to the test against a wide range of chemicals to determine its chemical resistance. Results showed that apart from delivering superior performance capabilities, this grade can deliver even more.
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 03/30/2021
When you use ESTANE® 3D TPU M95A the 3D printed part is very easy to unpack. ESTANE® M95A is the only TPU for use in HP Multi Jet Fusion™ 4200 series 3D printing solution and its improved processability is a great advantage.
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 02/25/2021
R3D Shifters designs and manufactures custom drone chassis and parts utilizing Estane® 3D TPU M95A for it's durability, light weighting and vibration dampening performance.
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 09/01/2020
Forerunner sought a durable 3D printing material as an alternative to expensive poured cast urethane that wouldn't scratch painted or highly polished metal parts. Read More
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 08/03/2020
Touching an item created by a 3D printer with varioShore TPU is unlike anything customers are accustomed to holding that was produced by a 3D printer. Learn how colorFabb developed the world’s first commercially available 3D printing foam filament. Read More
Posted by Lubrizol 3D Printing Team | 07/01/2020
We have the knowledge and resources to assist customers through every step of the 3D printing process, including 3D printing settings, post-processing and application testing. Read More
Welcome to Lubrizol’s 3D Printing Blog where we share our latest technology developments, collaboration efforts and insight in 3D printing. By sharing relevant industry knowledge and trends, we help inspire designers, our partners, service bureaus and OEM’s to innovate from prototype to mass development.
The information contained herein is believed to be reliable, but no representations, guarantees or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for particular applications, how the product(s) will perform in combination with other substances or in the user’s process or the results obtained. Because of the variations in methods, conditions and equipment used commercially in processing these materials, no warranties or guarantees are made as to the suitability of the products for the applications disclosed. Full-scale testing and end product performance are the responsibility of the user. Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. shall not be liable for and the customer assumes all risk and liability of any use or handling of any material beyond Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc.'s direct control. The SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Nothing contained herein is to be considered as permission, recommendation, nor as an inducement to practice any patented invention without permission of the patent owner. All ® and TM products listed in this presentation are owned by The Lubrizol Corporation. ©2021 The Lubrizol Corporation. All rights reserved.