Medium emollient ester for gloss with a non-tacky feel
Schercemol™ OHS ester adds gloss to lip care formulations or hair care products. It is also recommended for skin care products where it conveys persistent emolliency with a non-tacky feel. It is effective at low usage levels and can be used as an emollient in bar soaps or liquid cleansing products.
<a href='/Personal-Care/Products/Product-Finder?ingredientType=Functional&functions=Emollient'>Emollient</a>
Ingredient Name: <div class="ExternalClass68A7FE7F03D04A46BB6C3318C6F49FE9">Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate</div>
Recommended Use level: Recommended use level is 1 to 20 wt% as supplied