Forest Bathing Facial Cream

Facial Care


This light and smooth cream will make you feel like having a mindful and relaxing immersion into the forest. The combination of Carbopol® Ultrez 10 polymer and Glucate™ SS emulsifier offers good stabilization to the emulsion, providing mildness and a light afterfeel. The use of Schercemol™ DIA and Schercemol™ CO esters brings dry and light emolliency properties. AlgaPūr™ HSHO algae oil is a highly stable bio-based oil with low environmental footprint that provides moisturization with a soft and silky afterfeel. Xpozuki™ biotech ingredient LA offers protection, defense and repair effects to the skin, scalp and hair from the exposome-induced stressors. Actismart™ SW maritime pine is obtained through sustainable Phenobio™ subcritical water technology, may help providing antioxidant and rejuvenating properties with skin tone evening. Oxylance™ advanced botanical ingredient helps supply oxygen to the skin for a glowing, healthier and younger-looking appearance. The formulation contains the natural Aromaphyte™ rosemary lipo S2, which offers a pleasant smell to the cream.