A picture of Lubrizol's plan in Painesville, Ohio.

Lubrizol Painesville Township Facility Receives Ohio Chemistry Technology Council Award

May 21, 2018

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The Lubrizol Corporation announces it has received the Ohio Chemistry Council's (OCTC) Eagle Award for Excellence in Environmental, Health, Safety and Security performance. The award, which recognizes "exemplary commitment and performance on behalf of Ohio's chemical manufacturing industry", is the highest honor awarded from the OCTC.

In an OCTC news release announcing the award, a number of recent improvements to the Painesville facility were cited including: construction of a new 150,000 square foot shipping warehouse and a 30,000 square foot state-of-the art drumming facility, repurposing of an existing warehouse to serve as the site receiving warehouse, installation of two storm water retention ponds, construction of a new access road dedicated for truck traffic and remodeling of the security truck gate. The benefits from these improvements, along with the resulting decrease in plant truck/forklift traffic and reduced drum handling by facility personnel have made a positive difference in daily operations.

The OCTC also acknowledged Lubrizol's encompassing respect for the environment that defined the project as a reason for the award, "Footprint of the project was engineered to avoid impacts to critical habitats resulting in the disturbance of less than 0.5 acres of low quality wetlands. To offset this impact, 8.4 acres of high quality wetlands and approximately 300 linear feet of Tiber Creek and its tributaries were preserved in perpetuity."

"Commenting on the award, Painesville facility manager, Greg McCullough noted, "Lubrizol's investment in the Painesville facility reinforces our commitment to our customers, to our community and to sustainability in the way we conduct our business. As a proud participant in the global chemical industry, we are honored to have our efforts recognized by OCTC."

About The Lubrizol Corporation

The Lubrizol Corporation, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is a science-based company whose specialty chemistry delivers sustainable solutions to advance mobility, improve well-being and enhance modern life. Every day, the innovators of Lubrizol strive to create extraordinary value for customers at the intersection of science, market needs and business success, driving discovery and creating breakthrough solutions that enhance life and make the world work better. Founded in 1928, Lubrizol has global reach and local presence, with more than 100 manufacturing facilities, sales and technical offices and nearly 8,000 employees around the world. For more information, visit www.Lubrizol.com.

News Categories: Corporate

Media Contacts

Celeste Conklin, Director, Global Communications

(330) 206-3575
