Smart Shield Hair Pre-Styler

Hair Care


Embrace the hair primer movement and protect your hair before styling! Hair dryers, styling devices, and solar radiation can damage your hair health in many ways. Powered by Xpozuki™ biotech ingredient LA and Merquat™ 2003PR polymer, this Smart Shield protects your hair from heat and UV radiation-induced damages. The pre-styler also gives smoothness and suppleness to the hair, while improving fiber alignment. The combination of Arbalon® R-50 EV cellulose liquid and Merquat™ 2003PR polymer allows the suspension of glitters while having a convenient, sprayable format with multiple benefits. Get your hair beautified without any stress, prevent damage, and enjoy styling and the outdoors!

Formulation Features

Appearance: Pearlescent, Suspended particles

Form: Liquid, Spray